Day 19: Learning on CSS Pseudo Selectors

Day 19. Hi people. Sorry for not updating yesterday. I have a good excuse.

Last time, I finished my second certification project. Today I am entering a new section -Learning CSS Pseudo Selectors by building a balance sheet. Here is what I learnt:

  1. You can use CSS pseudo selectors to change specific HTML elements.
  2. Screen readers announce HTML elements based on the document flow.
  3. The thead and tbody elements are used to indicate which portion of your table is the header, and which portion contains the primary data or content.
  4. The tr element is used to indicate a table row.
  5. The td element indicates a data cell, while the th element indicates a header cell.
  6. The CSS clip property is used to define the visible portions of an element.
  7. The clip-path property determines the shape the clip property should take.
  8. The :first-of-type pseudo-selector is used to target the first element that matches the selector.
  9. The :last-of-type pseudo-selector does the exact opposite - it targets the last element that matches the selector. A picture on the HTML, CSS and web page.

Day 19 pic 1.PNG

Day 19 pic 2.PNG

Day 19 pic 3.PNG

Also did some things on codecademy today. Check it out:

Can I pour out my heart to you a little: I feel I am not giving in my best. I feel CSS is hard and I am scared of others will be. But I am not giving up. Just felt like saying this.

Thank you for reading.