Day 34: Building A Piano

Photo by Amir Doreh on Unsplash

Day 34: Building A Piano

Yesterday we spent time styling the keys. Today, we continue in styling.

  1. Gave the piano a logo.

Day 34 no1a.png

Day 34 no1b.png

  1. Let’s the styling of the logo begin.

Day 34 no2a.png

  1. The img element needs its parent element to be positioned so we set the position of the #piano.

Day 34 no3a.png

Day 34 no3b.png

  1. To sharpen the edges of the piano we use the border-radius property.

Day 34 no4a.png

Day 34 no4b.png

  1. Same border-property is appropriated to the class key.

Day 34 no5a.png

  1. Let’s not forget the black keys too. The border-property is added to the element

Day 34 no6a.png

Day 34 no6b.png

  1. Time to make it responsive.

Day 34 no7a.png

  1. #piano was added to the media query and given a new width.

Day 34 no8a.png

  1. .keys was also added to the media query and gave it a new width.

Day 34 no9a.png

  1. Of course, we didn’t forget the logo. The logo is also added before the .keys

Day 34 no10.png Thanks for reading. I look forward to reading your comments.