Holla! I am here to report today even though I don't feel like. Lets go to our 5 lessons for today:
- The float property is used to place an element on the left or right of its container, allowing other content (such as text) to wrap around it.
- The rem unit stands for root em, and is relative to the font size of the html element. (Please don’t ask me what em means).
- Typography is often more art than science. You may have to tweak things like alignment until it looks correct.
- The :not pseudo-selector can be used to select all elements that do not match the given CSS rule. (I am not kidding you I spent over 30 minutes understanding this.)
- Using the text-indent property
Finally done and this has been my toughest journey so far. It looked simple just looking at it, but when I started working on it, I knew that looks can truly be deceiving. Check it out here Bye. Baby girl is tired.