Day 20: A balanced Sheet

Photo by Susan Q Yin on Unsplash

Day 20: A balanced Sheet

Day 20. I didn’t think I would do this today. My friend/Son introduced me to ALX Software Engineering Program and I would be frank with you, it is demanding, maybe its because I just got started. However, I am not dropping free code camp. Today, I learnt:

  1. The calc () function is a CSS function that allows you to calculate a value based on other values.
  2. The: not () pseudo-selector is used to target all elements that do not match the selector.
  3. Rather than having to constantly double-check you are not overwriting your earlier properties, you can use the! important keyword to ensure these properties are always applied, regardless of order or specificity.
  4. Setting the border-collapse property to collapse, will allow cell borders to collapse into a single border, instead of a border around each cell.
  5. Setting the border property to 0 will hide the borders themselves
  6. The [attribute="value"] selector targets any element that has an attribute with a specific value.
  7. The key difference between tr[class="total"] and is that the first will select tr elements where the only class is total. The second will select tr elements where the class includes total.
  8. The :nth-of-type() pseudo-selector is used to target specific elements based on their order among siblings of the same type. Here is what the balanced sheet looks like. I may start updating you on my journey with ALX soonest.