Day 22. I have been unavoidably absent. I am so sorry about that. I have been overwhelmed with so many duties and I couldn’t just squeeze in 10-20 minutes a day for this. But I am back, and I promise that it wouldn’t happen. Going to start again with building the Picasso drawing cos I have forgotten. I learnt something during this week in ALX software Engineering Programme which I would like to start implementing. It is the Feynman’s Learning Technique. The aim is to explain like I am explaining to a 6-year-old child. We would be learning 5 things.
- We are moving into the intermediate part of CSS. Don’t be afraid, I believe it would be tougher but of course we can conquer it.
- I just feel I should show you what we are going to be building.
Yea. It looks so complicated but don’t worry darling we are going to be taking it one step at time. Our main focus in this section is on:
• SVG icons
• CSS positioning
• Review of other CSS skills we have learnt.
Don’t forget this in every step we take.
- First step: Every web page begins with a HTML structure. So lets quickly do that.
- Hey don’t ever forget to add your CSS link to your HTML boiler plate. (HTML Boiler plate is everything we just did above). P.S Link is a self closing tag
- Introduction to font awesome. These is a library of SVG powdered icons. What is an SVG? SVG stands for Saleable Vector Graphics meaning they are pictures that can reduce their size to fit a webpage, but they don’t loose quality. We link it the same way we link our css files.
That is all for today. We continue tomorrow.