Day 31: Picassa Painting Finale

Day 31 and the last day of Picassa Painting. Wawu! Let’s quickly get to it.

  1. Started with positioning the id guitar-left.

Day 31 no1a.png

Day 31 no1b.png

  1. Moved the fa-bars to desired place.

Day 31 no2a.png

Day 31 no2b.png

  1. Using the id guitar-neck, the width, height and background-color where stated.

Day 31 no3a.png

Day 31 no3b.png

  1. The id guitar-neck is then positioned.

Day 31 no 4a.png

Day 31 no4b.png

  1. After, positioning, a z-index of 3 was given.

Day 31 no 4c.png

  1. Time to style the class eyes.

Day 31 no 6a.png

Day 31 no6b.png

  1. Next target to be styled is the class right.

Day 31 no7a.png

Day 31 no7b.png

  1. Positioning of the class left is next.

Day 31 no8a.png

Day 31 no8b.png

  1. Increase the font size of font-awesome by using the class fas.

Day 31 no9a.png

Day 31 no9b.png